Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thank You!

I wanted to thank everyone who was able to make it to Texas to celebrate my 100th day. I few things I learned while in Texas.

1. Family is number one.
2. Everything is bigger in Texas.
3. Apply sunscreen if going to a waterpark.
4. Watch out for Ayden.
5. I have the best Family.

PS. I also want to mention that the remaining pictures from my TX trip will not be posted until daddy gets his computer back from Apple. While on vacation, dad's computer decided to die. Fortunately it is a common problem with the gpu and should be fixed for free even though it is four yrs old. Auntie Rena knows what I am talking about.

1 comment:

Rena said...

That's great! Isn't Apple awesome! Tell your dad that I can't wait to see more pictures! Liam, it was great to finally meet you! Can't wait to see you grow up!